
Georgia football Stock Report:

ATHENS — The recent Georgia football staff shakeup has Will Muschamp back working with players on special teams, and the Bulldogs are expected to maintain the momentum built up in the offseason.

Sunday’s news that Scott Cochran is taking time away from the team to focus on his mental health shocked fans, even as the team had already been dealing with it for a few days.

But football by its very nature is a game of resiliency, and the “next man up” mentality applies to coaches as well as players who fall injured or get sidetracked.

The Georgia football opening game with Clemson, at 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 4 at Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, N.C., is closing in quickly.

Coach Kirby Smart has said his team will remain focused on itself before easing its way into more specific preparation for the Tigers.

Here’s a stock report on the team as it enters its first full week of fall camp after starting last Friday:


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