UGA’s Morehead is new president of the SEC

66 days til football season opener

There is a new role for University of Georgia president Jere Morehead: Morehead has been named president of the Southeastern Conference.

From the University of Georgia...

As president, Morehead will chair the SEC’s Executive Committee, a seven-member panel that approves the SEC operating budget and oversees the conference’s fiscal affairs, among other duties. Morehead has served as SEC vice president for the past two years.

Last August, Morehead was appointed to the NCAA Division I Board of Governors and Board of Directors. The NCAA Board of Governors is the highest governance body in the NCAA, tasked with overseeing association-wide issues and ensuring that each division operates in accordance with NCAA policies and principles. He continues to serve on both boards.

Kent Fuchs, president of the University of Florida, was elected SEC vice president, while Ron Rychlak, faculty athletics representative at the University of Mississippi, was elected secretary.