Stacy Halstead began updating the story of her young son Tripp after he was severely injured by a falling tree at a daycare center in Barrow County, eventually getting more than one million followers on her Facebook page. Now Halstead says her page has been hacked, and whoever did it is posting things she and her family never would.
“Most of the followers have been with us for so many years, they can tell it is not me. I never post news reels or just random articles about celebrities,” she says. “It’s a personal page about my family.”
Facebook says it is investigating, as is the state Attorney General’s Office.
“We will start changing the password every couple of weeks and things like that that we didn’t do before,” Halstead says.
Tripp Halstead died in 2018 at the age of seven, six years after the accident in Barrow County. The tree that hit him was toppled by high winds from Hurricane Sandy.
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