Oconee Co Commissioners consider changes to trucking ordinance

Public input sought through June 7

Oconee County Commissioners are looking for public input on proposed revisions to the County’s truck traffic ordinance, the measure that keeps big rigs off certain roads in Oconee County. Stretches of Astondale Road, Mars Hill Road, and the Oconee Connector could be coming off the restricted list. A feedback form is available on the Oconee County government website, with a deadline to submit opinions set for next Tuesday.

From the Oconee Co government website…

The Oconee County Board of Commissioners is considering revisions to the Truck Traffic Ordinance that prohibits through-truck traffic on certain roads. As part of the review, the BOC would like additional feedback on the following roads that are considered for removal from the list:

  • Astondale Road from US 441 to SR 15
  • Mars Hill Road from SR 53 to Daniells Bridge Road
  • Oconee Connector from SR 316 to Daniells Bridge Road

To provide feedback on the listed roads, please complete the Truck Traffic Ordinance Public Comment Form by Tuesday, June 7, at 4 p.m.