
Murder, child porn suspects arrested

A suspect has been arrested and charged in the death of a Jackson County man: Gary Allen is 31 years old, from Pickens County. He’s facing a murder charge. Leon Danzis died after a fight in a sports bar in Cherokee County. Danzis was 45 years old, from Hoschton.

John Kimmerle (pictured above) is in the Hall County jail: the 69 year-old Braselton man is facing child pornography charges.

State arson investigators are looking into fires that were apparently intentionally set, cases of arson in Hart and Habersham counties. A single-wide mobile home was burned in Royston, and a house was damaged in a fire in Cornelia. Firefighters say it does not look like the two fires were related. There is a reward of up to $10,000 for information that leads to arrests and convictions in arson fires in Georgia.

The Habersham County Sheriff’s Office says one man is dead and another in custody after a July 4 shooting in Toccoa: the names have not yet been released.

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