Hall Co Animal Shelter gets grant

Money from state Ag Dept

There is grant money in Gainesville: Hall County Animal Services gets $10,000 from the state Department of Agriculture. The money will be used for dog and cat sterilizations.

From the Hall Co government website…

The grant is part of $711,000 worth of grant funding issued to 97 animal shelter or rescue organizations across the state as part of the Georgia Department of Agriculture’s Dog and Cat Sterilization Program, which is funded by the sale of the Dog and Cat Sterilization License Plates and from private donations.

"This grant will provide a valuable boost to our efforts to safely and humanely control the pet population here in Hall County," said Stephanie List, Program Coordinator with Hall County Animal Services.

One of the programs that will benefit directly from this grant is the Hall County Animal Shelter’s Barn Cat Program, which allows for the safe and humane entrapment, sterilization and vaccination of feral or semi-feral cats, which are then adopted out to businesses as a form of natural pest control. The program was born out of the best practices outlined by Best Friends Animal Society, which were adopted in 2019.

Of the grants awarded, only applicants receiving a score of 99 or higher out of a possible 100 on their applications were awarded the maximum of $10,000. Hall County received a perfect score of 100.