Dem Senate candidate: “Racist trolls” hit Hall Co campaign event

Warnock says N-word was used

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Raphael Warnock was bombarded by racist trolls while delivering virtual remarks to a county party late Monday, leading local officials to promise to increase their online security for future meetings.

Shortly after the Hall County Democratic Party meeting began on Zoom, several attendees began repeatedly hurling the N-word at the Black pastor of Atlanta’s famed Ebenezer Baptist Church.

Others spouted nonsense from the baseless QAnon conspiracy theory and shared graphic porn.

“I had to play ‘Whack a Troll,’” said party chair Kim Copeland, who was moderating the discussion when the racial epithets popped up on the Zoom chat. “To say I was shocked was an understatement. I’m still in shock, to be honest.”

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