ATLANTA, GA — Georgia lawmakers are considering new restrictions on school cell phone use for students after several districts implement their own bans and have seen success.
Since implementing their cellphone ban in the district’s middle schools, Marietta City Schools Superintendent Dr. Grant Rivera says they’ve seen positive change.
“We’ve heard staff say that they feel they’re better able to do their jobs. And, for us, that is compelling.” He also said that students have reported the classrooms are different and better. They are able to focus more and are less distracted.”
It’s these positive results that have Representative Scott Hilton proposing a bill to require the state’s K-8th students put their phone up during the whole school day.
“Create a distraction-free environment from bell to bell. ‘Bell to Bell, No Cell’”.
Some parents have pushed back on the bans saying they want to be able to get in touch in case there’s an emergency.