ACCPD re speed zone cameras: no more warnings

More than 2,400 warnings issued over the past month

The Athens-Clarke County Police Department says speeders caught on speed zone cameras in school zones will get tickets, starting today. Cameras at Barnett Shoals, JJ Harris, and Whitehead elementary schools became operational last month, with more than 24 hundred warnings issued since March 22. Tickets instead of warnings go out beginning today.

From the ACCPD…

On March 22, 2021, the Athens-Clarke County Police Department began the 30-day warning period for the newly implemented school speed zone cameras. As a result, over 2,400 warnings were sent to registered owners of violating vehicles. Beginning on Monday, April 26, 2021, the Athens-Clarke County Police Department will commence sending citations for violations instead of warnings.

As a reminder, School zone speed safety cameras are installed near the following schools:

• Barnett Shoals Elementary

• JJ Harris Elementary

• Whitehead Elementary