
TALES FROM TIBBY: Why do I have to wear pants?

The End.

It could be the end if I’d just stop. But...

The Beginning: Autumn.

Fall in the South gives us a nice break from brutal summertime temperatures. There’s a lot to like.

Freshly-dug peanuts, flowing fields of cotton, apples, beautiful foliage and

…fire! A good fire on a cool evening cannot be topped. It’s great company. You can just sit and watch it. Maybe while sipping a little warm apple cider or hot cocoa.

But as cool turns to cold, this is when I have trouble dealing. After 8 or 9 months in shorts, I’m allergic to anything on my legs.

I’ve tried different ways to deal with this ‘allergy,’ including pants with the zip-off legs.

Those pants are great for anything outdoors that begins in the cool of the morning and finishes in the warmer part of the day. Say, a hike or a round of golf.

On just such a day recently when I couldn’t make up my mind between pants and shorts, I experimented.

Having one leg off and one leg on, not a great look.

But it’s not just pants. It’s everything. It’s clothes. I don’t like ‘em.

Most anything I wear anytime is lightweight, soft and covers as little of my body as I can get away with and still have friends.

Short sleeved shirts, footies and athletic shorts so that I don’t have to wear a belt. That’s Tibby style.

By the way, here’s the unspoken dealio with belts and older men: They’re useless.

The belts, I mean. OK, probably both. But belts for now.

They are meant to catch on your butt and hold your pants up. But whether a man’s butt slides down his legs or evaporates, it gets gone somehow. There’s virtually nothing for the belt to rest on.

There have been a couple of weddings recently I’ve been forced – forced, I tell you! – to attend, requiring nicer attire.

Nicer clothes require a belt. So I rummaged around in the closet until I found one.

It had mildew on it. Or mold. Perhaps it’s fading to dust.

I think the time has finally come to go to Waddle-mart, buy me some shorts with elastic waistbands and move to Florida.


Allen Tibbetts

Allen Tibbetts

During his 41-year career doing morning show radio, what he found most rewarding was taking the slices of life he observed and making them into fun, funny or satirical stories that, hopefully, the audience would enjoy. Allen now shares these stories with the WGAU audience in Tales from Tibby.

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